
Monday, October 26, 2015

T-5 Days to Senior Retreat...Who is Praying?

Next week I leave for my third senior retreat with Living Science. I'm excited that I've been with this school for 4 years, and I can't wait for my third Senior Retreat. I get the opportunity to be on the worship band, hang out with my best friends, play games (y'all know that's my favorite), learn science, learn more about the Bible, and grow closer to God.

As I started packing my bags, I've continued to pray for this trip.

I'm praying for the D's as they make the journey. Mrs. D just had surgery and I'm praying that there are no complications during the week.

I'm praying for the students going. I would love it if we all got closer to God on this trip and got to know Him better. The week is filled with learning about science and God and connecting the two together.

I'm praying for the chaperones. It's hard dealing with lots of high school students. At some point, we all get cranky and that makes us hard to work with. Please pray for patience and grace as well as for the chaps to have fun!

I'm praying for the house captains and co-captains. I haven't experienced the amount of work they put into leading a house, but I know it's a lot of work. They also do a fantastic job and I know that they love doing it! Pray for safety and strength. 

I'm praying for Advance Team. They leave on Friday morning to make the journey to "Mars." I'm praying they make it safe and get everything set up with no difficulties. They set up everything before the students arrive on Sunday afternoon.

I'm praying for health as I make this trip. Last year, I fell the first night and sprained my ankle. I learned a lot about myself during that trip. I had to be patient with myself and with the people around me.

I'm praying for grace to accept the things I can not change. Whatever happens, is in God's hands. I can't change that. However, I can do my best to serve others and make it the best trip Living Science Students have ever been on.

Please join me in praying for God to bless this trip and give us strength, peace, and grace to learn more about Him!

Have Courage,
Hannah Newbold

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