Intro to the Series:
Recently, I was inspired by another post which captures the idea of movie love and the possibility of true love in life. But I, being the amazing creative writer that I am, decided to go farther and write a few posts on the topic. {mainly because if is far to difficult to write about in one post.} So, today I am going to be giving the answers to three different questions I asked my friends a couple days ago and guess what???? Three people responded, so I have written their answers in random order and have posted the questions below. For the next post I have decided to dig into 1 John 4 and then the post after that 1 Cor 13. So, you've got three nice lengthy posts coming up, so sit back and gear up for the ride!
1. If such a thing as true love exists.
2. If true love can be shared
3. If perfect love is true love.
But, before I do all of this, here's what a few of my friends said:
In response to question 1, here is what they said:
"I think that true love is someone that you love and would do anything for, sometimes even though you love them, you don't even like them. "
"True love is where a married couple are happy together."
"True love is a love by the guidelines of 1 Cor 13."
In response to question 2, here is what they said:
"True love can be shared."
"No, but a couple in true love can share happiness, and love to others, because love is not just a couple in love."
" Yes, true love can be shared."
In response to question 3, here is what they said:
" Yes, I think."
" I don't know. I would say yes though, because if you are in true love, you think it is perfect love."
"Perfect love is the love of Christ, which is true love."
Let's Review the Questions again:
1. If such a thing as true love exists.
2. If true love can be shared
3. If perfect love is true love.
So, what did y'all think? If you have a different answer to any of these questions, leave a comment in the comment box! Thanks!
In a few days, I'll follow up with the next part.
oh my gosh! I LOVE your new header!!! I've been on and off, but I like my current design at
Love you!