
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Rainy weekend!

I was going to try to ski this weekend, but as it is sort of windy and cold with the tropical depression and all. I decided to forfeit my water goal for this weekend.  I was very excited to try to ski again. I tried to do it three or so years ago and was not very successful at it.  I went straightaway underwater and got water up my nose (by the way; that does not bother me now!) That was it with skiing for me, until a few weeks ago when I was okay at knee boarding that I decided to try it again.
Except there was that small factor: weather. The weather is terrible for skiing. It is very windy and is chilly and rains every now and then. VERY EXCITING labor day weekend right? Well, we are having a rest time at the moment and then our family is going to watch a movie: I have no idea what it is about! We actually had some kids at our neighbors house this weekend. It is very rare when we have children anywhere close to us at our lake house.
Our neighbors had their grand kids over for a day and they were very nice. They came over to our dock and swam and jumped on our BIG YELLOW DUCK! Our duck is a whole other post! I am about to end this post and do something else.
So for now: your blogger,

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