
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Summary of my school year (in one essay)

This year I have learned a great deal about myself as a student.  I have used study strategies and flashcards to study for Finals and quizzes. My strategies include: Graphic organizers, outlining and using flashcards to study.
            Graphic Organizers are very helpful in planning for essays, papers and stories. They have different kinds including outline form and timeliness.  They help organize my thoughts and ideas so that I am ready for outlining.  They use pictures as in a smore and a sandwich to get you ideas ready outlining. It can be used as an outline and is very beneficial when you are in a rush to do your homework assignment.
            Outlining is the next step in writing a paper.  I use it because I need to have a plan on what I want to say or else it doesn’t make sense.  Graphic organizers also can be a Outline as long as it is not specific outline.
Flashcards are what I use for learning new words and understanding and memorizing charts. I use an online study system in which the majority of my friends are using to study for finals and other exams. It is quiz and we each have a different section that we are in charge of. Lily does Latin, Gracie does vocab, and I do Logic.
Finally what really helps me a whole lot is the fact that my mother has all the answer keys and is able to grade them as I do them and when I miss some thing we go over it.  It takes a while to go over all of my subjects this way, but it works for me.
I have learned about my self this year, never underestimate your teacher, and be prepared for everything! Trust me on this! :)

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