
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Great Hope

Welcome to the Cottage!

Have you ever ben annoyed at either a brother or sister, because they didn't do what you wanted ? I'm with you. I get desperately annoyed and even to the point of screaming because they aren't listening to what I say to do.  Last night my sister and brother were going nuts and so I warned them that they will get in trouble if Dad comes upstairs.  And Guess What?  He did and now they have a bad punishment for a week.

But don't think I am perfect.  For I still do things wrong whether I say it or think it.  We all do things wrong and there is nothing we can do about it, " for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God " as it says in Romans 3:23.   But we are not perfect, so we also have Romans 5:8 , which says " But God demonstates his own love for us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us."

We have HOPE!  It's like the ending of a Great book and it ends like this:  If we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, we will be written in a great book. Just like the one you finished reading called the book of the Lamb.  So think: is that a message you want to learn about today?

                                                                               -Hannah Grace

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dealing with Temptation

Welcome to the Cottage!

I had sooooooo much fun today.  We went to the park to celebrate my sister's birthday!  I always seem to get jealous when my sisters get things I want and I want to play with them all the time.   I always want to look in her bags beforehand and see what she got.  But I don't because it says in James 1:13-16, 4:7, that you must do several things to avoid temptation:

1. Submit to God by giving your life to him (James 4:7a)
2. Just say NO (James 4:7b)
3. Run (James 4:7c)

Normally it is not a good thing to run, but in this case it is the wisest thing to do. I got this list from Pastor Bryant Wright, Sr. 's sermon. He was elected the leader of the Southern Baptist Convention this year.  My church's website is  Please pray for him as he leads the Convention and that he will make wise plans for the Southern Baptists.

                                                           -Hannah Grace

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Busy school work

Sorry I haven't posted recently.  I have been very busy with school work. Latin and vocabulary are the most difficult.  But overall I really enjoy my work. I do Pre-Algebra, Intoductory Logic, Bob Jones World History, and Worldly Wise 3000 for vocabulary.  We also study the Bible at our school each morning.  Right now in Bible, we are in Isaiah Ch. 6.  I find it to be very interesting. We are also studying Shakespeare.  I enjoyed Midsummer's Night Dream.  I thought the fairies were funny.

On to what I enjoy, I really love reading. Right now I am caught in the series The Royal Diaries.  I have one book in front of me, called Victoria.  It's all about girl's lives in castles and being princesses.  I recently found out they have the whole series at our library, so I am excited about reading them.

Other than reading, I also really enjoy year-round swim team. I am on Chattahoochee Gold. Go Gold! I am going to swim in a meet in October, on the 2nd and 3rd.  The reason I am able to type on this blog today is I worked super-hard all morning till about 4pm.

By the way everybody in my class is going to Washington, D.C. Oct. 4-9 so please be praying for a safe 11 hour ride.  Ha Ha Ha

                                                                -Hannah Grace